Adventures in Whimsiland – Curiouser Recipe Compendium

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases This publication created as a fundraiser for Whimsicalitea ~ a nonprofit (501c3 in process) ~ supporting the genteel arts & artisans Do you love solving puzzles that wax curiouser & curiouser? Do you adore receiving packages that conceal sundry surprises? Do

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

This publication created as a fundraiser for Whimsicalitea ~ a nonprofit (501c3 in process) ~ supporting the genteel arts & artisans Do you love solving puzzles that wax curiouser & curiouser? Do you adore receiving packages that conceal sundry surprises? Do you enjoy sequential or interconnected activities? Do you like to dabble online? Then put the kettle on and register to play Adventures in Whimsiland a four-part series of Tangible Quest & Clue pursuits

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases